The equivalent of apartheid, according to Chris Matthews
Ever since the election of our "post-racial President," Chris Matthews, not to mention the rest of his cohorts at MSNBC, have done everything they can to drag race to the forefront of American politics—primarily by taking every opportunity to make opposition to Obama all about race.
But on this weekend's Chris Matthews Show, Chris literally went thousands of miles out of his way to introduce the topic.
In this world of ours today, it seems that any idiot – almost any idiot can rally the forces of tribalism… Chris Matthews
Before you get excited, this was an accusation, not a confession.
Once again Matthews was on his high horse about Tea Party protesters, accusing them, without evidence, of racial motives. His "evidence" has largely been about counting white noses at public protests. But when you look at Obama's latest poll numbers, it would be statistically astounding if crowds protesting his policies had a significant black presence.
While Obama has slid below 50% overall in most polls, he still has a 90% approval rating among blacks. Whites, therefore, are more evenly split on the President, with perhaps a 40% approval level.
Now WHICH is "tribalism?"
Weirdly enough, this was part of a positive review of Clint Eastwood's (reportedly inspiring) new film, Invictus, about how Nelson Mandela brought post-apartheid South Africa together around its national rugby team. Here's the complete text. (hat tip to the Media Research Center for the transcript and the picture used in the show)
A small story can carry a large truth. This weekend, the movie Invictus opens in theaters around the country. It's about South Africa, how President Nelson Mandela cheered his country's rugby team to the World Cup in 1995. The movie's about race, about country, humanity, and, of course, hope. And you don't have to ask: It was made by Americans. Directed by Clint Eastwood, it was really Morgan Freeman's film. You've heard this said about other actors in great performances, but he really is Nelson Mandela in this movie. The great man once said he wanted Freeman to play him if it ever came to this. America's greatest actor found this story and made this powerful thing happen, this majestic movie about what a leader can be.
In this world of ours today, it seems that any idiot – almost any idiot can rally the forces of tribalism, including white tribalism in this country. You can do it with a frown or a smile – easiest thing in the world to rile people back to their roots, get them thinking with all the rage of their grandparents . What takes someone historically wonderful is the ability, the will and the wile to unite people who are divided by history and past wrongs.
Matthews did not directly reference Tea Party protesters, just showed Tea Party rally images like the one above during his monologue.
This is what Nelson Mandela – freed from 28 years in prison on Robin Island – did when, in his first year as President, he cheered on the white South African rugby team – treasured by the whites of his country, hated by the black majority, and in so doing showed himself a leader to all. A small story with a large soul. A South African story told by Americans who know of what we speak.
I'll bet no one would be more surprised than Clint Eastwood, to hear that his film is really an indictment of the Tea Party Movement.
But then Chris has been trying to smear conservatives as racist ever since our first "post racial President" was elected. The protesters are often his target, but are not the only one on the receiving end of his bile.
Most recently, Chris Matthews made a point of saying how "white" the crowd was that was lining up for Sarah Palin's book. Early in the year, Chris implied Palin was racist because she was popular in the South.
Once, MSNBC went so far as to deliberately conceal the race of a black Tea Party protester, while calling the crowd racist.
And don't forget, this is the network labeled "socialist" the "New N-Word."
So, it's nothing new for Chris Matthews to label those who oppose his political agenda "racist." He just usually doesn't travel so far to find an excuse.