Remember the good old days when people used to make jokes comparing the New York Times to Pravda, and it was considered an insult to the New York Times? Now, the publishers of The Pentagon Papers have suddenly decided that the "public's right to know" does not extend to things that damage the editorial page's political stance, while Russian TV hosts important public debates. (to see an example of the debate, click on the NewsReal link above.)
During the Bush Administration, it was Pulitzer material to expose anti-terrorism methods and operations including:
- The Terrorist Surveillance Program
- How we tracked terrorist financing
- Exposing secret terrorist holding facilities in allied countries
- Exaggerated accounts of terrorist interrogation
But when it comes to the hundreds of emails exposing the "scientists" who are manufacturing fraudulent data that is being used to seize control of the U.S.—and world—economy in the name of "global warming," the New York Times is suddenly queasy about exposing documents that were "never intended for the public eye." The last time they kept a secret this well, was when Stalin was starving millions of Ukrainians to death.
But the New York Times is not alone. Despite stories on every network that Barack Obama is going to Copenhagen to advocate for a "climate change" treaty, NONE of them have reported on this story—not even to try to refute it.
In this upside down world, the only good public debate on Climategate broadcast anywhere other than Fox News, is on something called Russia Today. Alice, please check in, Wonderland is calling.
Of course the media has also protected us from other news stories that might just confuse us and take us off the Obama storyline:
- Those dubiously obtained ACORN tapes—who did those kids think they were, Dateline, 60 Minutes?
- A Presidential advisor named Van Jones's history radical statements
- Navy SEALS being court-martialed for allegedly giving the terrorist who committed the atrocity pictured below a "bloody lip."
Of course, they have a habit of not wanting to remind us of the nature of our enemy. So, they have also "protected" us images of 9/11, especially those of people forced by the flames to leap to their deaths from the World Trade Center.
So, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that when Barack Obama is making an overseas trip to lead the world to the promised land of continuously moderate weather, that the sycophantic American media would ignore the fact that the case for man-made global warming is crashing and burning in spectacular fashion all around them.
Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
Just a few months ago, the nets all made little mea culpa statements about "missing" the ACORN story. Now, they are willing to look even more ridiculous with their don't-confuse-us-with-the-facts-our-mind-is-made-up stance, ignoring a huge story staring them in the face—complete with documentation!
Maybe Anita Dunn's shot across the bow worked.
And they wonder why they are losing viewers and readers by the day.